Thursday, 16 January 2014

grid overview

In case the previous series of images was all too complex in terms of grid and units used I include simplified form with the red rectilinear grid centred on St. Mary's chapel and using North Berwick Law as orientation.  The line from St Mary's chapel extends through NBL to the same distance, the 27.7+ miles derived from the Bornholm work, which was found to be the exact same distance as the St Mary's chapel to the Bass Rock(St Baldred's chapel) which was used as the radius of the outer green circle.  The Bass Rock orientation is one degree aprox. east of the shown NBL diagonal, and perhaps could be used in addition to the 'Tavhara'/Roseline(Rosslyn) as described by Bill Buehler, which forms the nearly north/south axis of his 'Reshel' grid, and is shown here (perversely! - ed) in light blue.
When the 45 degrees is subtracted from the NBL line it can be seen to be close to the light blue roseline, both extended as far as Markinch(!) on the outer circumference, and both, plus the Bass Rock line minus 45degrees all cross over Arthurs Seat area, a spread of some two degrees.  Bill allows some three degrees for a 'Selah' spoke,

The grid unit I used in this excercise is one-half of the full 27.7+mile and can be seen to derive naturally from the internal construct of squares and circles.  This unit was originally chosen so I could work on maps back when Google Earth was not available, and was more suitable to the area of geometry I was concentrating on.

The (3 by 1) diagonal the 'reshel' sytem was based is shown in yellow at the bottom and the ninety degree axis from the mid-point of the base is shown in green running nor nor west.  The two (2by1) diagonals to the extremities of the (3by1) set of squares is fron the centre St Mary's chapel are also shown in green.

The Great Pyramid construct with Hillend Fort at the apex is shown in dark blue.  The equilateral triangle lines with apex just short of Inchcolm island are shown  in mauve.  The centre of the pentagonal system used in this excercise is defined by two red lines between these two sets.  (Same as the grid!  I should have changed the colour! TG) This pentagonal system is constructed on the full (3by1) baseline, which is a comparitively recent addition to the system as notified by Bill a while back.  The original used a shorter base and the pentagonal system using that baseline reached Loch Leven in Fife, but was not included in this excercise, but was discussed back in a 2007/8 post when I was just using Ordnance Survey grid references and doing the calculations with a calculator.  Neither pentagonal system is shown here, omitted to allow a clearer view of the grid structure.

This grid has intrigued me since first discovered back in 1999/2000 and re-inforced after the Bornholm work in 2003/4.

How far this grid extends is uncertain, but extensions to Ben Lawers for example and other connections hint that it may extend beoynd the area shown here.  Line of sight points, moutain tops especially, could be used as surveying trig points, and used more locally as centres of construction but that is for an other time!

Also, this grid system is merely one layer of what is altogether too complex (for me, at any rate!), there is still a large backlog of stuff to cover.  My hope was to find that this grid would lead to a simplification of the whole plan, but it hasn't as yet!

Thursday, 9 January 2014

St Mary's grid conclusion(for now)!

happy 2014 y'all!

I want to conclude this set of posts for now so a final bunch of images of the St Mary grid stuff!  I'm having a bit of difficulty with this 'blogger' system but clicked on a few things which hopefully clears the way a bit.

I have to admit to a general lack of insentive and basic laziness, having become a youtube junky somewhat over the past months!

A few weeks back a post from Bill Buehler in which he asks for responses regarding grid developments generally and Scotland in particular, so I shall complete what I think may be relevant and pass it on.

This set of images may be considered a summation of what I have discovered further to what I had already but using Google Earth, which allows projection over a greater scale than was practicable using maps and grid references, and national boundaries no longer an obstacle, even!

The frist image is an overview of what became apparent once the 3 by1 diagonal 'reshel' system was complete, on the North Berwick Law alignment version, relevant to St Mary's chapel as centre.  It should be borne in mind that the NBL alignment is roughly in the middle option of three, the Cardinal directions due north/south, and the Bass Rock version, giving a tolerance of two degrees roughly:

The main point here is the finding Ben Lawers, just north of Loch Tay, and south of Glen Lyon, and its connection to the grid, with Snowdon due south!
As can be seen the penta-system has a north/south - east/west aspect, within the same tolerance, the vertical chord and side for instance most obvious to the eye, the second image below showing this clearly:

It should also be remembered that the verticals from The Ness of Brodgar pass through the centre of the pentagonal system, although not shown here.
I'm just taking the images in the order they were saved as I cleared stuff off, so this image shows the relevant section of grid in red, St Mary's chapel centre and North Berwick Law marked, with the 3by1 diagonal in yellow:

In green are shown the two (2by1) diagonals from St Mary's chapel to the two end points of the (3by1) diagonal, forming a ninety degree angle at St Mary's chapel, quite naturally!

The two mauve lines from the two (3by1) ends form an equilateral triangle at Inchcolm island.
The two red lines(shoulda used another color- Ed!) from the two (3by1) ends meet at Hillend fort (which I have emphasized for many a year now) using the Great Pyramid angle of 51.8+ degrees.

the last image here is a closer look at the main construction area of the (3by1) system, with the relevant elements of the grid.

Points of Note:

  1. This grid construct is of the exact same dimensions as the grid on Bornholm, the island in the Baltic Sea described by Haagensen and Lincoln, i.e. 16*square root three standard Imperial Miles, or miles(E) as I use.  For the (3by1) diagonal a unit of one half of this measure is used.
  2. The elements of the construct are taken from the Basic Reshel system described by Bill Buehler who considers them as consciousness grids as used in his group work.  I am using them purely geometrically in the context of the landscape and the (3by1)diagonal of this particular grid.
  3. The Reshel system as described by Bill has two halves to it, the other mirroring what is shown and would extend to the south south-west.  Perhaps some day!
  4. The pentagonal element used here is in fact a recent amendment suggested by Bill as being more pertinent now.  Previously the pentagon was a bit smaller but still on the same bas-line.
  5. The projections which found Ben Lawers and hence Snowdon , and the Ness of Brodgar line which includes the Lomond Hills in Fife and Lochnagar near Balmoral only serve to reinforce the validity of the whole sytem.

OK Pub time! T