Saturday, 9 September 2023

 Over the years, one topic keeps cropping up!  Who defined the foot!!!  24,901.461 miles is the equitorial circumference, according to my request of Google, so lets go with it for now!!! There are 5280 feet in a mile, so the (EC) is (24,901.461 times 5280=131,479,714.08 feet.)  now, there are 360 degrees in a circle, for very logical reasons, so 1 degree is 365,221.428 feet!  There are 365.242 days in a solar year!. This is a 0.999944 correlation, or a 99.99544% if multiplied by1000!!!!!!  So, WHO, (and WHEN)?   measured the earths circumference, as accurately as NASA does today and why is it so IGNORED by the scientifc community!  The answer is never answered, but it aint the measure of some 'KINGS' foot! (Pull the other one its got bells on it!)  This and other anomalies have been taking my attention for the past few years, and (swallowing beer).  We really have been lied to, or ignored, or fed some religous stories!  We most definitley are not the fitrst. All over the planet stuff crops up which proves this, never mind the megalithic structures we can not replicatewith all 'OUR' technologies!