Thursday 2 October 2008

St.Mary's Chapel Bass Rock system further consideration

Having established the Bass Rock line, and considering this to be the diagonal of a square, the vertical will be 45 degrees anti-clockwise, a line which proves to run through the Arthurs' Seat area, and in fact a special rock on Dunsappie Fort, which I call pulpit Rock, whih intrigued me when first found back in the mid-nineties. The line extended north finishes just east of Seafield Tower, just offshore.

A lot of calculations were done using both the Bass Rock and North Berwick Law alignments, but the easiest way here is to just show the Dunsappie calculations first then the Seafield Tower point, just to keep things simple:

3275.00 6570.19 St. Mary's Chapel
3281.32 6731.72 Dunsappie 'notch' or Pulpit Rock
---------- ----------
-6.32 -161.53

Using Pythagoras again the distance is 161.6536, in One hundred metre units which converts to 10.0447 miles(E). This may be of interest but for now it is the angle this line makes to the O.S grid for comparison to the Bass Rock line:

6.32/161.53 = 0.039126, which is the tangent of 2.2406 degrees.

Comparing to the Bass Rock angle of 47.1803 - 2.2406 = 44.94 degrees, which is 0.06 degrees, or 1/100th of one clock-face-minute!

As the diagonal of a square is in square root two relationship with the side, this line extended north to a distance of 19.59592 miles(E), (16*sq.rt.3/sq.rt.2), the point indicated on the map just off-shore at Seafield Tower, which lies between Kinghorn and Kirkcaldy, is found.

Now that the St.Mary's -Bass Rock-Seafield Tower 45 degree right-angled triangle has been established, the full square can be projected, to complete the square on the circle of Bill Buehler's original circular system. And also, some of the sub-divisions also show points of interest.

click on image to see larger version!

This schematic was drawn prior to the calculations, and was what I needed to verify. It is good enough for now, as it shows the extended square and circle and some natural sub-divisions.

AS stand for Arthurs' Seat, and can be seen to be halfway between St. Mary's Chapel and Seafield Tower. It should be pointed out that the exact halfway point is some 440 yards south of Dunsappie, or one quarter mile, which is Duddingston loch, a beautiful spot famed in Scottish art for the painting by Raeburn of the Reverend Walker skating on Duddingston loch. And on the north-east shore lies Duddingston Kirk, the minister at the time was the Reverend John Thomson, who was also an amateur painter and had a studio down by the shore, still extant, an octagonal building which was also the home of the first curling club in the world.

Intriguingly, on the north wall of the kirk is a carved symbol, the same as is shown in 'The Templars' Secret Island', the book of the geometry of Bornholm, by Erling Haaagensen and Henry Lincoln, page 13, where there are examples of stones from Bodilsker, Nylars, Osterlars and Vestermarie, which 'echo the Cross of the Knights Templar'.

It should also be pointed out that there is also the Line from St. Mary's Chapel through Rosslyn Chapel and Arthurs' Seat summit which is the Roseline commonly or as Bill Buehler calls it the Tavhara Line, which passes just to the west of Seafield Tower, previously mentioned. This may constitute a more generous Selah Spoke, with the North Berwick Law line running between Arthurs' Seat and Dunsappie, and we can in passing check this:

3275.00 6570.19 St. Mary's Chapel
3275.28 6729.43 Arthurs' Seat summit
---------- ----------
-0.28 -159.24

and using Pythagoras' theorem: 159.24 O.S.units of 100 meters, which equates to 9.895 miles(E), and the angle to O.S. grid north being: 0.28/159.24 = 0.00176, which is the tangent of 0.1 degrees.

So the gap between this line and the Dunsappie line being 2.24 - 0.1 = 2.14 degrees, which may be considered as a 'Selah spoke'!

I consider the Arthurs' Seat area to be a 'unit point area' at large landscape scale.

So this gap being contained within the Arthurs' Seat area at a landscape scale this may be considered valid!

Also, and more pertinent to the next section is the Blackness Castle/Drem line. This can be seen to be between the diagonals at a distance the same as Seafield Tower, taken as radius. The squares on these sections of diagonals prove to be the unit squares of the next sub-system to be described! See next section!

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